Why Your Home Needs Heat-Recovery Ventilation

Adequate ventilation provides your home with a continuous supply of fresh air. Energy-efficient improvement and construction methods such as weather-stripping and insulation can save you money and enhance climate control. However, these methods tend to render your home airtight, which can keep pollutants inside, not allowing them to escape into the outdoors. They should be complemented with a ventilation system …

Seal Your Ductwork, And You Can Plug The Drain On Your Pocketbook

Your ductworkcould be costing you a lot of money. According to Energy Star, a typical house may lose 20 percent of its heating and cooling energy through leaks, holes and improper duct connections. Your home will benefit from a professional inspection of the ductwork, but you may be able to take a preliminary look yourself at any ducts that are easily …

Options In Standby Generators Give You Precisely What You Need When The Power Goes Out

Electrical power outages are a big problem these days — a roughly $80 billion-per-year problem, according to one government study. You might think that our advances in technology would be making blackouts less common, but the opposite is actually the case: the increasing number of electronic gadgets in each home puts more strain on our electric transmission grid, while the …

Why NATE Certification Matters When You’re Hiring An HVAC Contractor

There are many contractors who advertise that they are qualified to service HVAC units. Unfortunately, many homeowners have experienced service call or installation dissatisfaction as a result of shoddy work, exorbitant charges or both. As homeowners, how do we ensure that we are getting the level of service required to not only repair equipment, but that also meets the terms of the …