Everyone wants to save money, and one of the best ways to do so is with your energy bills. Unfortunately, a lot of energy-saving myths are circulating that often lead to paying extra. Here are six common energy-saving myths to watch out for:
Keep Comfort Up, Costs Down With These Energy-Saving Tips
While the spring and summer bring much-needed relief from the cold weather, they bring their own set of challenges. Keeping your home comfortable during the Kansas City area’s cooling season can result in high energy bills. Here are some spring energy-saving tips to help you keep your bills down.
Talk the Talk: 5 Vital HVAC Terms To Know
When you talk with your HVAC technician about repairing or replacing parts of your one’s cooling and heating system, it’s important to have a basic understanding of some of the most common terms. Here’s what five of the most popular HVAC terms mean.
Spring Allergy Relief Starts Inside The Home
Spring allergies can be painful as well as irritating, literally causing headaches and body aches. Millions of Americans suffer from allergies every year, especially during the spring.
What To Keep In Mind While Considering A Zoning System
If you’re searching for a new way to put a substantial dent in your monthly heating and cooling bills, you should consider installation of a zoning system in your Kansas City area home. Separating your home into discrete climate zones with independent temperature control will allow you to save money on energy while giving your home’s occupants control over comfort …
Reverse Ceiling Fan Direction For Ultimate Springtime Comfort
Ceiling fans can be an important ally in your efforts to stay cool while saving energy on hot summer days. Pair a ceiling fan with your air conditioning and a nice cold drink, and you’ve got an effective way to beat the summertime heat. In the spring, using ceiling fans can delay the point at which you kick on the A/C …
Common Air Conditioner Problems and How to Have Them Repaired
Your air conditioner is an essential part of your Kansas City home. With many days that routinely hit the 90-degree mark, you’ll want to confirm that your air conditioning system is ready to work when you need it most. Properly maintaining your cooling system will help you avoid common air conditioner problems, save money, and reduce wear and tear on your system.
9 Ways to Know When it’s Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner
If your air conditioning system has recently broken down or if it’s just not keeping you as cool as it used to even after performing routine maintenance, it might be worth replacing the whole unit instead of wasting money and time repairing it. Following is a handy guide of factors that may indicate you should replace your air conditioner (usually, …
10 Tips for Hiring an HVAC Professional
While it’s definitely important to make an informed decision, hiring an HVAC professional doesn’t have to be a difficult process. To lessen the burden, we’ve gathered together 10 tips that will make it much easier for you to decide: