When making a major purchase, you’re typically offered the option of purchasing an extended warranty. Consumer Reports has long stated that for the majority of consumer goods, an extended warranty is an unnecessary expense. For example, when you purchase a television, the odds are anything that is going to break will likely do so while it is still under the …
How to Choose an HVAC Contractor
All contractors are not the same. Who you hire to install or repair your furnace or air conditioner can be just as important as what equipment you purchase. Choosing a contractor who is skilled and experienced, as well as trustworthy and reliable, is critical to ensure that your equipment will operate reliably, safely, and at peak efficiency. The quality of …
OPHC Techs Solve Water Filtration Problems Common in Ice Makers and Humidifiers
Recently our technicians have seen a significant number of water filtration problems with both humidifiers and ice makers. In both cases, the cause can be traced to the hard water common in Kansas City. Due to the high levels of calcium in our water supply, the calcium builds up and causes obstructions. However, our technicians can employ solutions that will …
Control Your Thermostat from Anywhere with the Honeywell 6000 Wi-Fi Thermostat
Running your HVAC system at the same temperature 24 hours a day is inefficient, especially if your family spends several hours a day away from home. Increasing the temperature during the summer or lowering it during the winter while you’re away can save you money on your utility bills. While programmable thermostats can easily allow you to set your thermostat …