Everyone wants to save money, and one of the best ways to do so is with your energy bills. Unfortunately, a lot of energy-saving myths are circulating that often lead to paying extra. Here are six common energy-saving myths to watch out for:
1. It’s better to leave the lights on than to switch them off and on.
Originally, turning lights and appliances on and off frequently could shorten their lifespans. This is no longer true, and it’s a fact that leaving lights or appliances on when not in use will waste energy. It’s simple; if nobody’s using the room, turn off the lights.
2. Space heaters save money.
For a room that’s well insulated and closed off, this might be true, but space heaters will suck up a lot of energy in most circumstances. It’s better to stick with your furnace and keep the temperature a degree or two lower.
3. Leaving the thermostat up all day is cheaper than turning it up and down.
Simply put, leaving your thermostat set to a constant temperature means it’s heating the house even when you’re not there. It’s better to invest in a programmable thermostat or turn the temperature down when not at home in the winter, and up just so ever slightly in the summer.
4. A higher setting warms the house faster.
Another common HVAC myth is that if you want to achieve your desired temperature quicker, you should crank up the thermostat higher (or lower for cooling) than where you really want it. Not true at all. Your HVAC equipment will arrive at the desire temperature just as quickly whether you set it there, or at a higher (or lower, for cooling) temperature.
5. Using screensavers or sleep mode saves energy.
Common among energy-saving myths, the reality is that screensavers are programs that use processing power. Sleep mode saves some energy, but they still require more power than turning the computer off.
6. If it’s off, it doesn’t use power.
“Vampire power” is energy used by your TV or appliances to keep them in standby or to power displays. Unplug them or use a power strip to save energy when they’re not in use.
Overland Park Heating & Cooling, Inc. has been proudly serving Greater Kansas City and the surrounding area since 1983. For more energy-saving tips, contact us today.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Overland Park, Kansas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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