Why Your Home Needs Heat-Recovery Ventilation

Adequate ventilation provides your home with a continuous supply of fresh air. Energy-efficient improvement and construction methods such as weather-stripping and insulation can save you money and enhance climate control. However, these methods tend to render your home airtight, which can keep pollutants inside, not allowing them to escape into the outdoors. They should be complemented with a ventilation system …

How Your Contractor Will Tailor Your New Air-Conditioning System To Your Home’s Unique Requirements

In the middle of the Kansas summers you’re hot, and in the middle of the Kansas winters you’re cold. Is that your body’s inability to regulate your temperature, or is it due to an improperly-sized HVAC comfort system? Chances are it’s the latter, and so you need to have your contractor tailor your new HVAC comfort system to your home’s and …