You’re Closing Rooms to Conserve Energy? You Could Be Opening Yourself to Trouble

It makes intuitive sense that if you close off rooms during the winter, you will be heating a smaller amount of your home and therefore saving money. Unfortunately, listening to your intuition here could be setting you up for some unexpected results. As it turns out, closing rooms to conserve energy may actually increase the energy used by your HVAC …

Your Heat Pump Installation: Take Care Before It Goes in, and You’ll Be Pleased After It Goes On

Many homeowners don’t realize how important heat pump installation is to the performance of this major appliance. When all the factors that affect its performance are addressed, the system will deliver the efficiency it promises. The primary considerations before and during the installation include the energy efficiency of your home, the ductwork that delivers the conditioned air, and the placement …

Your Air Conditioner Installation: 4 Key Factors That Can Support or Sabotage Performance

With summer fast approaching, it’s time to consider how you’ll be cooling off your Kansas City area home in the months ahead. If a new air conditioner installation is part of the plan, it’s important to note that there are four key factors that can either make or break the performance of your new unit.