How to Detect a Carbon Monoxide Leak in Your Johnson County Home

Carbon monoxide, a highly poisonous, odorless and tasteless gas, is a byproduct of incomplete combustion. As such, various appliances in your home – such as gas-burning furnaces, water heaters and cook tops – emit this gas every time you use them. Fortunately, under normal circumstances, carbon monoxide is vented outdoors where it dissipates harmlessly into the air. However, a carbon monoxide leak can develop …

Classic Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Exposure

Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning from non-automotive consumer products causes 170 U.S. deaths a year, so being exposed to carbon monoxide is not something to take lightly. Read below to learn what you can do to prevent exposure, as well as what to do if you’re exposed to carbon monoxide. What Is It? CO is a colorless, odorless gas created by the …

CO Detection: Homeowners Should be Vigilant All Year Long

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a hazardous gas that, when left undetected, can create long term health affects, seriously injure or kill people and animals caught inside a building or other enclosed space. It’s all the more dangerous since it lacks odor, color and taste. When CO begins leaking, or otherwise infiltrating your home, it can cause a variety of non-specific symptoms …

Your Fall Furnace Tune-up: What to Expect When the Technician Arrives

One of your top priorities before winter arrives in the Kansas City area should be to ensure your home’s heating system is working correctly by having a qualified HVAC contractor perform a fall furnace tune-up. To get the most value for your money and to prevent any operational or safety issues, make sure the following steps are completed by the …