How To Program Your Thermostat For The Greatest Savings

If you’d like to maximize energy savings in your Kansas City-area home, you should consider having one or more programmable thermostats installed. Numerous energy-saving benefits come with being able to program your thermostat to fit your daily and weekly schedulers. Check out the following tips to figure out how to best program your thermostat.

A Water Heater Tune-Up Will Result In Peak Performance

Keep your water heater regularly serviced to increase its efficiency, extend its life and save money. While water heater maintenance is fairly straightforward, a qualified HVAC professional will ensure all components are in working order, and will have the expertise to evaluate and replace damaged parts. A water heater annual service should include the following maintenance steps: The TPR valve The temperature pressure relief, …

The Essentials Of Annual Heat Pump Service

Hiring a professional contractor for annual heat pump service is an important way to keep your Kansas City area home running as efficiently as possible. An annual heat pump service check will keep your system running the way it was designed to run, and help your heat pump last for its full expected service life. Be sure to ask for the following …

Annual Service — Get The Most From Your HVAC System Year Round For The Life Of The System

Did you know that heating and cooling your air consumes roughly half of your entire household’s energy usage? Needless to say, you need to get the most out of your system all year if you want to keep your energy bills under control. Whether your air conditioner is new or old, it needs to be serviced annually if you want …

Your Air Conditioner Should Be Serviced Annually

Now that hot weather is upon us, you probably don’t need much of a reminder about the importance of a properly functioning air conditioner. Annual service is the only way to be sure your system will work efficiently when you need it the most. A professional technician has the experience and technology to clean and inspect your system for possible problems, …