Kansas City has had a few cool days so far this fall, but the cold weather is just around the corner. Ensure that your furnace is ready for winter before the temperatures drop. Ideally, you should have your furnace inspected at least once a year by a qualified professional, like Overland Park Heating and Cooling. However, there are some things …
Check Your Furnace Before Cold Weather Hits
So far the weather has been mild as we head into winter, but as anyone who has spent time in Kansas City in the winter knows, we won’t escape bitter temperatures for long and they will be here sooner than we’d like. Before you turn on your furnace for the season, it’s important that you inspect it to make sure …
Repair Or Replacement: Which Makes More Sense For Your Furnace?
For many homeowners the decision whether to pursue furnace repair or replacement is a complicated one. Making the right decision can save you time and money, so it is important to understand the specific needs of your home.
Furnace Replacement: 7 Signs It’s Time To Make The Switch
Many of us pay little attention to our furnaces until they fail, leaving us facing emergency repair bills or, worse, the unexpected hassle and expense of a system replacement. Homeowners who tune in to their heating systems, however, can pick up on some clues that it’s almost time for a new one.