Repair Or Replacement: Which Makes More Sense For Your Furnace?

For many homeowners the decision whether to pursue furnace repair or replacement is a complicated one. Making the right decision can save you time and money, so it is important to understand the specific needs of your home.

The following can help you decide if a furnace repair or replacement is best for you.


If operating the furnace is hazardous, and it cannot be repaired, the only choice is a furnace replacement. When safety is an issue, the short term savings of a repair are no match for the potential risk of a safety concern.


Depending on the type of heating system your home uses, the useful life can be as few as 10 years and as  many as 20 years depending on the furnace model and the maintenance history. Take the age of your current furnace into consideration. If you do not know the age of your furnace, you can contact the manufacturer and provide the serial number.Also review the maintenance history and see if the furnace has been regularly maintained.   If your unit is nearing the end or is past its average useful life, it you will want to consider replacement. The opposite is also true, a newer unit that has no safety issues may be better addressed via a repair.


One of the largest factors for homeowners in choosing furnace repair or replacement is cost. Ask your qualified HVAC contractor to provide estimates for both replacement and repair. A rule of thumb is if your furnace is more than 75 percent of its useful life, you should not spend more than 30 percent of the replacement cost on a repair. In those instances, it is likely to save more money in the long run to replace the unit.


Efficiency and comfort can also make the decision to repair or replace your furnace easier. There have been large advances in the energy efficiencies and comfort difference of furnaces. Replacing your furnace may make your home significantly more energy efficient and noticieably more heating comfort resulting in lower utility costs and improved performance. These savings may make replacement more affordable.

For expert advice on furnace repair or replacement, contact Overland Park Heating & Cooling, Inc. today. We have been serving the needs of the greater Kansas City and Kansas area since 1983.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Overland Park, Kansas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

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