Winter is just around the corner, and with shopping lists, holiday parties, and family gatherings to plan, your lawn’s sprinkler system is probably the furthest thing from your mind. But before you start wrapping gifts and singing carols, be sure to complete one of the most important tasks to keeping your home safe during the upcoming winter season – winterize your lawn’s sprinkler system.
Winterizing your lawn’s sprinkler system is the process of clearing its pipes of any excess water from the recent active season. Every lawn sprinkler system needs its irrigational pipes blown dry before freezing temperatures set in, to ensure pipes do not freeze themselves and burst over the course of the winter season.
If your lawn’s sprinkler system is not winterized and prepared for cold weather, you run the risk of causing hefty amounts of damage to both the system itself, and your home. Frozen pipes can lead to major floods in your home, and the last thing you want is water damage ruining your precious holiday plans, not to mention your house itself.
While you can winterize your lawn’s sprinkler system yourself with the help of an air compressor and online instructions, it is most often recommended that you reach out to an irrigation professional to ensure the job is done correctly. Winterizing your lawn’s sprinkler system isn’t like throwing a new coat of paint on your kitchen cabinets. This job is one that needs to be done thoroughly by a party committed to the safety of your home.
Your lawn’s sprinkler system takes care of your home all year long, so take care of it during this chilly season by having it winterized. Whether you passionately do the job yourself or hire a professional, plan ahead and clear those pipes well before freezing temperatures loom. Winterizing your lawn’s sprinkler system is one small task that means big protection for you, your family, and your home all winter long.