Mold: Not Just a Warm Weather Problem

Mold: Not Just a Warm Weather ProblemIt’s easy for homeowners to assume that mold will not be a problem during colder weather, since it’s usually associated with the humidity and moisture that are more common in Kansas City during the summer months. However, mold can become quite an issue inside your home during the winter months if proper steps aren’t taken.

Where there is moisture, heat and some type of material to grow, mold can accumulate and spread. Persons who are particularly sensitive to allergens can have an adverse reaction to airborne mold spores. Certain types of fungus can cause even the heartiest people to have an allergic reaction. And mold is damaging to drywall, wood, insulation and other materials in your home.

Areas that can be susceptible to mold include attics, storage cabinets, garages, bathrooms, basements, and any other area that could hold moisture and organic materials.

Some ways to keep mold from becoming a serious problem include:

  • Routinely clean susceptible areas using a disinfectant or mold prevention cleaner
  • Repair air and water leaks as quickly as possible and remove any moisture that resulted from those leaks
  • Properly ventilate attics, basements and crawlspaces to allow fresh air circulation
  • Inspect HVAC systems to make sure they are clean and operating efficiently
  • If recommended, utilize an air cleaner or dehumidifier as part of your climate control systems

When you have concerns about mold, consult the professionals at Overland Park Heating and Cooling to make sure you can keep your home as comfortable and healthy as possible.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in Overland Park, Kansas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

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