Best Cooling Options for Your Sunroom

Kansas City’s spring season is in full force, and with it comes the excitement of baseball, warm weather, and time spent in the sun with friends and family. One of the most popular ways to enjoy these newfound longer seasonal days is in your sunroom. A sunroom is the perfect option for homeowners looking to make the most of the sunny days ahead, while also enjoying the comfort of the indoors.

However, with temperatures quickly heating up in the Midwest, it’s important to keep in mind the best ways to keep your sunroom cool for the months ahead.

Install Insulated Windows
One of the most effective ways to keep your sunroom cool in the spring and summer is to install insulated windows. Insulated windows help to keep the hot air out, and cool air in, creating a much more comfortable environment. For added protection, consider getting your windows tinted to help further beat the heat of intense temperatures.

Extend Your A/C
Extending your HVAC system into your sunroom is a great way to ensure that your space stays cool and comfortable all spring and summer. By adding on to your system with the help of Overland Park Heating and Cooling, you will be able to reap the full benefits of air conditioning in your sunroom, even when the outdoor temperatures top into triple digits.

Add Blinds
The easiest, cheapest way to cool down your sunroom is to add blinds to your windows. This is a quick fix that will allow for lower temperatures inside, but keep in mind, installing blinds blocks out a lot of the sunlight you crave in that room, changing the overall atmosphere in the process.

Cooling your sunroom during Kansas City’s warmer months is important to the overall comfort of your home. When choosing your cooling solution, be sure to do your research on the type of investment you will want in the long run, as well as what makes the most sense for your family in the hot season ahead.

Learn more about sunroom cooling options by visiting Overland Park Heating and Cooling today.